Register a service

This guide shows you how to register a service of your external solution in Kyma. For this example, we use a Basic Authentication-secured API.


  1. Before you start, expose the following as environment variables:

    • Your Application name
    • Username and password to access the external system
    • Name of the Secret containing the service credentials
    • Name of your service
    • URL to your service
    • Unique ID identifying your service within the Application CR
    • Relative path in your service
    • Namespace in which to create a test Pod
    Click to copy
    export APP_NAME=test-app
    export USER_NAME=test-user
    export PASSWORD=test-password
    export SECRET_NAME=test-secret
    export SERVICE_DISPLAY_NAME=test-basic-auth
    export TARGET_URL=
    export TARGET_UUID=f03aafcc-85ad-4665-a46a-bf455f5fa0b3
    export TARGET_PATH=basic-auth/$USER_NAME/$PASSWORD
    export NAMESPACE=default

    NOTE: Replace the example values above with your actual values.

  2. Enable Istio sidecar injection in the Namespace:

    Click to copy
    kubectl label namespace $NAMESPACE istio-injection=enabled

Register a service

  1. Create a Secret that contains your username and password to the external service:

    Click to copy
    kubectl create secret generic $SECRET_NAME --from-literal username=$USER_NAME --from-literal password=$PASSWORD -n kyma-integration
  2. To register a service with a Basic Authentication-secured API, you must create or modify the respective Application CR. To create an Application CR with the service definition, run this command:

    Click to copy
    cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
    kind: Application
    name: $APP_NAME
    skipVerify: false
    - id: $TARGET_UUID
    displayName: $SERVICE_DISPLAY_NAME
    description: "Your service"
    providerDisplayName: "Your organisation"
    - credentials:
    secretName: $SECRET_NAME
    type: Basic
    targetUrl: $TARGET_URL
    type: API

Access the registered service

To check that the service was registered correctly, create a test Pod, and make a call to Application Gateway from within this Pod.

  1. To build a path to access your registered service, run this command:

    Click to copy
    export GATEWAY_URL=http://central-application-gateway.kyma-system:8080/$APP_NAME/$SERVICE_DISPLAY_NAME/$TARGET_PATH

    CAUTION: SERVICE_DISPLAY_NAME in the GATEWAY_URL path must be in its normalized form. This means that, for example, if you used test-basic-auth as the service displayName, you're good to go, but if you used "Test Basic Auth", you must replace it with test-basic-auth in the path.

  2. Export the name of the test Pod as an environment variable:

    Click to copy
    export POD_NAME=test-app-gateway
  3. Create a test Pod:

    Click to copy
    cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Pod
    run: $POD_NAME
    name: $POD_NAME
    namespace: $NAMESPACE
    - image: busybox
    name: $POD_NAME
    resources: {}
    tty: true
    stdin: true
    dnsPolicy: ClusterFirst
    restartPolicy: Never
    status: {}
  4. Wait for the Pod to be in state Running. To check that the Pod is ready, run this command and wait for the response:

    Click to copy
    kubectl wait --for=condition=Ready pod $POD_NAME -n $NAMESPACE
  5. To make a call to Application Gateway from within the Pod, run:

    Click to copy
    kubectl exec $POD_NAME -c $POD_NAME -n $NAMESPACE -- sh -c "wget -O- '$GATEWAY_URL'"

    A successful response from the service means that it was registered correctly.